Jun 27, 2009

Berpacu dengan pagerank

Mungkin bagi sebagian orang terutama bagi para bloger pasti menginginkan blognya laris manis banyak peminatnya termasuk blog ku yang jelek ini (semua orang tau ko den blog mu emang elek) walaupun jelek mudah2an besok2 diakuisisi ama google.. he..he.

Kenapa begitu? karena mereka ingin hasil usahanya di hargai orang lain setidaknya dilirik walaupun cuma klik adsnya aja ,apa lagi diminati terus akhirnya jadi ngefan sampai-sampai url-nya di simpan di bawah bantal atau didompet sekalipun, ga bisa tidur deh kalau belum berkunjung ke blog idolanya . itulah dunia maya setiap orang masing-masing punya kepentingan didalamnya dan ingin agar kepentingannya itu terealisasikan hal seperti itu bukan hanya terjadi di dunia nyata saja bukan ?.

Banyak jalan menuju roma, untuk menarik traffic pun demikian, tidak selalu harus lewat jalan search engine aja yang mesti nongkrong di halaman depan dan kebetulan saat ini masih didominasi oleh search engine milik google inc. dan memang saya sendiri merasakannya ada perbedaan bila melakukan search dengan yang lain bila dibanding menggunakan google ini, untuk itu orang cenderung  menarik simpati dari google inc. ini dengan cara menaikkan PR, walau kadang tidak juga, dan memang tidak mudah.

Aku sendiri sebenarnya kurang suka dengan yang namanya PR kenapa ? yang jelas karena blogku PR nya ga naik2.. yah boleh2 saja sih orang menjadikan PR sebagai acuannya tergantung dari seberapa besar kepentingan dari blognya itu sendiri.
yah mudah2an besok2 ada search engine yang lebih bisa mengungguli google biar orang tidak terpaku dengan PR.

Jacko is dead !!

Michael JacksonBerita kematian seorang king of pop, michael Jackson atau jacko ini tak pelak lagi merupakan berita mengagetkan dan mengguncang emosi para artis dan  selebriti hollywood, setelah beberapa jam sebelumnya terdengar juga kabar wafatnya artis senior Farrah Fawcett.

Jacko dengan nama lengkap Michael Joseph Jackson tutup usia pada umur 50 tahun setelah tim dokter yang menanganinya menyatakan secara resmi bahwa jacko meninggal karena penyakit gagal jantung yang dideritanya , berita kematiannya tersebut sebelumnya dianggap bercanda oleh para selebriti. Jacko mengawali debut karirnya semenjak usia 7 tahun dengan membentuk grup band Jackson five yang dipimpinnya bersama 4 saudaranya dengan album pertamanya Got to Be There (1971). Dan pada 1979 memilih bersolo karir.

Walaupun saya tidak sealiran dengannya baik dalam segi prinsip atau pun jenis musik yang diusungnya, tapi saya akui banyak lagu-lagunya yang enak didengar termasuk salah satunya lagu black and white, yang sempet hit pada era 90 an.
Michael Jackson
Jacko yang selama sepuluh terakhir semasa hidupnya selalu menjadi berita kontroversi termasuk tudingan pelecehan seksual terhadap anak yang ternyata tidak terbukti, ternyata sejak kecil selalu mengalami perlakuan buruk dan pelecehan dari sang ayah, Joseph Walter.

Kini dia sudah siap dikemas didalam peti mati yang akhirnya akan di kebumikan untuk peristirahatan yang terakhir.. bye jacko !! makasih sumbangan lagu2nya.


Your lucky number – which you can easily determine by your birth date – reveals a lot about you, says numerologist Gemma Franklin.

To find your lucky number, simply add up the digits in your birth date until they reach a number between 1 and 9, she explains. For example, Mick Jagger was born on 7/26/1943.

To figure his lucky number, add the digits 7+2+6+1+9+4+3, which total 32. Next add 3+2 – making his number 5.

Once you’ve figured out your own lucky number, check below to see what it tells you about your personality:

1: If this is your lucky number, you take the time to develop lasting relationships. You’re a leader and sometimes exhaust yourself doing too much – but you have marvelous powers of recovery. You’re most compatible with persons whose lucky number is 4 or 9.

2: You’re at peace with yourself and happy. You’re easily hurt and sensitive, and usually lucky when it comes to money. Your partner has to be romantic and affectionate. Compatible with numbers 7 and 9.

3: You’re an idealist who feels that friendship and companionship can be more important than a sexual relationship. You take yourself too seriously, and as a result you can miss out on some of the fun in life. You have excellent intuition. Compatible numbers are 5 and 6.

4: Despite your cool exterior, you’re really affectionate. You tend to be possessive and are apt to be a hoarder, but you have a habit of making unexpected generous gestures. Compatible numbers are 1 and 8.

5: You have a tremendous capacity for giving – you often give of your money and affection. You’re the first to fall for a hard luck story. You have an extraordinary sense of humor and are very friendly. Compatible numbers are 5 and 3.

6: There’s more than a hint of jealousy in your nature – but you have a good love life. You’re physically active and a real go-getter in life. Compatible numbers are 2 and 3.

7: You have loads of sympathy for others, but you rarely wear your heart on your sleeve. You’re very neat – “a place for everything in its place” is your motto. Compatible numbers are 4 and 6.

8. You like luxury and love having fun. You prefer your love life to be stable and are loyal to others – but you can be possessive and extremely stubborn when you feel you are right. Compatible numbers are 1 and 6.

9: Imaginative and conscientious, you love color and display. You let your head rule your heart when it comes to love, but you are a sensuous person once you let go. Compatible numbers are 1 and 9.


Jun 26, 2009


Friday, June 5, is America’s National Donut Day! Do you know your doughnut celebrations?
Donut Day is always the first Friday of every June. It celebrates the popular treat, which is a sweet, deep-fried O-shaped piece of dough.

National Donut Day is a fairly old holiday, having been started in 1938 as a fund raiser for the Chicago Salvation Army. It originally served two purposes: to help the poor during the Great Depression, and to celebrate the Salvation Army “Lassies” of World War I. These women volunteered near the front line, providing soldiers with baked goods, mailing supplies and moral support.

When baked goods were difficult to procure, two volunteers, Margaret Sheldon and Helen Purviance, started handing out doughnuts, which became an “instant hit”. Sheldon wrote one day, “Today I made 22 pies, 300 doughnuts, 700 cups of coffee.”

Americans today are able to celebrate a number of ways!

* Dunkin’ Donuts has announced that participating stores will give every customer a   free doughnut of their choosing with the purchase of any beverage.
* Krispy Kreme is offering one free doughnut per customer, no purchase required.
* Los Angeles residents can try a fancy $18 doughnut sampler platter at Grace, which includes flavors like salted caramel, pistachio and buttermilk brown butter glazed.

Coincidentally, today is National Running Day. Get that cardio in so you can spoil yourself tomorrow!

By Allie Pruitt

Jun 20, 2009


Almost all people had experienced this trouble, perhaps once or twice a year and possibly more. The cause and the type of headache is enough. Therefore, to know with certainty the cause and type is the first step to it. There are several causes of this headache:

Poor sleep

Lack of sleep can result in head felt dizzy, so it can disrupt the activity being carried out, try to sleep on time for adults at least 6-8 hours per day.

Physical activity
How a heavy physical exercise can make muscles in the head, neck, scalp and even the need for better blood circulation. This can make you swell vein. This is called exertional headaches.

Many thought or stress
Avoid too many thoughts, especially anything less useful or garbage thinking. Most of the mind can increase muscle tension in the hind-neck better make a positive activity, such as reading books.

Some of the treatment that you do can be a potential for attacks to hit you headaches. If you feel the pain that you feel as a side effect of the treatment is, ask your doctor to change medications without side effects or with a more lightweight.

Alcoholic beverages
Alcoholic beverages that exceed the dose can make the headache, red eyes, and always felt a very drowsiness, and in this case should avoid.

And more particularly the health of other organs in your body because of headache can also be a health indicator.
If you still feel the headache of continuing immediately contact your doctor to get adequate treatment.

i'm sorry with my english..


Pulang kerja sore nyampe rumah kira2 pukul 12 malam, udah bete di rumah sendirian, ga ada yang masak, maklum orang rumah lagi pulang kampung jadi gw harus prihatin dan dituntut hidup mandiri eh.. perutku mulai krubuk2 minta diisi lagi. jadi gimana dong..?? makin lama kucuekin malah menjadi2, padahal lagi asik2nya blogwalking, terpaksa deh kutangani dulu kalo nyari ke dapur pasti ga ketemu jawaban dan akhirnya gw keluar.

Selang beberapa blok dari rumah aku menemukan seonggok gerobak (kereta dorong) yg lagi jajakin dagangannya oh ternyata ketoprak, itu tuh yang kaya "kupat tahu" (kalo di jabar), dan cuma itu aja yang ada, jadi aku beli.Ketoprak merupakan makanan yang populer dijajakan terutama daerah pesisir jawa barat, terutama sekitar jakarta. makanan ini mirip juga dengan gado gado, ternyata enak juga yah apalagi kalo lagi laper..


Cara pembuatan ketoprak:


150 gram bihun, seduh air panas, tiriskan
150 gram taoge, seduh air panas, tiriskan
4 buah tahu putih, goreng, potong bentuk dadu
4 buah lontong, potong bulat ukuran 1 cm

3 siung bawang putih
5 buah cabai rawit
2 buah cabai merah
50 gram kacang tanah, sangrai
2 sendok makan air asam
100 cc air panas
1 sendok teh garam
2 sendok makan kecap manis

100 gram emping goreng
1 sendok makan bawang merah goreng

Cara membuat

Saus: Haluskan bawang putih, cabai rawit, cabai merah, kacang tanah, dan garam, lalu masukkan air asam, air panas, dan kecap manis, aduk rata, sisihkan.

Letakkan lontong, bihun, taoge, dan tahu putih di atas pinggan saji, tuangkan saus di atasnya, lalu taburi dengan emping goreng dan bawang merah goreng di atasnya, sajikan.

Ukuran porsi: 4 orang